
Posts Tagged ‘liver on chip’

Google Glass Meets Organs-on-Chips

 Reporter: Irina Robu, PhD


Google Glass is a recently designed wearable device capable of displaying information in a smartphone-like hands-free format by wireless communication designed by Brigham and Women’s Hospital that mimic the human physiological system. The device allows researchers to test drug compounds and predict physiological responses with high acccuracy in laboratory setting.

The Glass also provides control over remote devices, primarily enabled by voice recognition commands and offers researchers a hands-free and flexible monitoring system. To make Google Glass work, Zhang et al. custom developed hardware and software that takes advantage of the voice control command in order to not only monitor but remotely control their liver and heart on chip systems. The Google Glass device is also capable in monitoring physical and physiological parameters such as temperature, pH and morphology of liver- and heart-on-chips.

The Google Glass has particular importance in cases where the experimental conditions threaten human life, as when researchers work with highly contagious bacteria and virus or radioactivity.

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